YZ-775 medium transport (Dangerous Covenants).YV-929 light freighter (Dangerous Covenants).YV-666 light freighter (No Disintegrations).YV-560 light freighter (Enter the Unknown).YT-1210 light freighter (Suns of Fortune).YT-1000 light freighter (Enter the Unknown).YG-4400 light freighter (Suns of Fortune).YG-4210 light freighter (Enter the Unknown).Y164 Slave Transport (Lords of Nal Hutta).Xiytiar-class heavy transport (Enter the Unknown).Starlight-class light freighter (Fly Casual).Lancer-class pursuit craft (No Disintegrations).Lambda-class T-4a long range shuttle (Core).ILH-KK Citadel-class light freighter (Core).HT-2200 medium freighter (Far Horizons).Gozanti-class armed transport (Fly Casual).

GHTROC 720 light freighter (Enter the Unknown).Deep space recovery vessel L-2783 (Special Modifications).D-type Stealth Freighter (Suns of Fortune).Conqueror-class assault ship (Dangerous Covenants).4R3 Light Assault Transport (Dangerous Covenants).YQ-400 Monitor-class system patrol ship (Far Horizons).Regulator-class patrol vessel (Far Horizons).Preybird-class starfighter (Dangerous Covenants).PPB Pocket Patrol Boat (Suns of Fortune).Mandalorian Protectorate starfighter (No Disintegrations).M22-T Krayt Gunship (Lords of Nal Hutta).M3-A Scyk interceptor (Lords of Nal Hutta).Kihraxz light starfighter (No Disintegrations).JM-5000 Jumpmaster long range scout (Core).HH-87 Starhopper starfighter (Lords of Nal Hutta).G-1A heavy starfighter (No Disintegrations).E-9 Explorer-class armed long-range scout vessel (Enter the Unknown).CL-1C Lancet Interceptor (Suns of Fortune).Alpha-class XG-1 "Star Wing" assault gunboat (Fly Casual).Aggressor assault fighter (No Disintegrations).AD-1S modular multi-role starfighter (Special Modifications).A-7 Hunter interceptor (Dangerous Covenants).A-36 Pathfinder-class force reconnaissance vessel (Enter the Unknown).A-24 Sleuth-class scout ship (Enter the Unknown).Lords of Nal Hutta ( February 5, 2015) - Hutt Space Source Book.Suns of Fortune ( January 24, 2014) - Corellian Sector Source Book.No Disintegrations ( February 2, 2017) - Bounty Hunter Career Book.Special Modifications ( March 24, 2016) - Technician Career Book.Fly Casual ( February 23, 2015) - Smuggler Career Book.Far Horizons ( August 14, 2014) - Colonist Career Book.Dangerous Covenants ( February 28, 2014) - Hired Gun Career Book.Enter the Unknown ( December 6, 2013) - Explorer Career Book." Taming the Dragon" ( Suns of Fortune)." Escape from Mos Shuuta" (Beginner Game).

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