It has advanced options to reduce dynamics.

Trileveler, by Sonic Animaly (free, discontinued) - levels the track to a specific LUFS target. LUveler, by Thomas Mund (free) - levels the track to a specific LUFS target.

Vocal King, by JHudStudio (free) - two step compressor with some adjustments to enhance vocals. The Normalizer, by Hornet (paid) - it has a continuous mode, that normalize the track in real time to reach a target level. Can write volume automation.Īutogain Pro, by Hornet (paid) - it's simpler than the mk2 version, with less options, but is easier to use. There are some useful presets like "peak reducer" and "vocal steady" that are good start points.
Discontinued) - just one knob does the work.Īutogain Pro mk2, by Hornet (paid) - it's not very user friendly, but has a lot of control. Voice leveler, by Acussonus (used to be paid, but it's free now in ERA 6 bundle. I like to pass a volume rider before to get more leveled results. It is the one that I got the better results, but still leaves some dynamics if used in a moderate compression. VOLA 2, by Sonic Anomaly (free, discontinued) - does upward and downward compression at same time. I have not found a VST plugin that does all those steps alltogether, but I tested some plugins that got similar results: I did some tests and I believe that The Levelator does those steps automatically: 1) downward compression to reduce peaks 2) upward compression to increase the level of the low singals to match them with the higher peaks 3) a noise gate to reduce ambiance 4) normalization to -18 LUFS-I (probrably this is the target used during the compression) 5) limiter ceiling (I believe in - 1db peak). I know this post is 3 years old, but I answered a similar question and think it may help someone.